(Frequently Asked Questions)

Here you can find answers to questions and get explanations on stuff that might seem like too much information at once. The goal of this page is to break down questions into small bits of information so you will have better knowledge on the stuff on my website

General related:

Q: How is my game stats handled?

A: By default we will not safe any data or will write anything down related to you. You will need to give us consent to allow us to use your data. Data is used to track your individual performance and will be used only by Skott199 for measuring performance in different games. You can give us consent or revoke it here:     Google Form

Level System related:

Q: How does the level system work?

A: The level system is a visual leaderboard that you as a viewer can lookup to see who are my top supporters whether that is donations, subs, bits, hours watched or events participated in. You will gain XP automatically by doing the things mentioned before and you will get an explanation on how much XP you earn when participating in events.

Stats and tournaments related:

Q: What is stats and tournaments?

A: Stats relates to your ingame stats when participating in events and that is different from game to game and has their own pages for the different games. Tournaments relates to stuff there is connected t0 tournaments that gets hosted and stats are connected to these tournaments to give players a better experience.

Dream Team related:

Q: What is Dream Team?

A: It is a danish group of streamers playing different games on stream. You can find us on my website here at: Dream Team

Q: Are you (Skott) the owner of Dream Team?

A: Yes and No! I'm a member of the team and one of the many owners. I do not own 100% of dream team!

Rules related:

Q: What defines a viewer and what defines advertisement towards people?

A: If you are a streamer, a friend of mine or a person with influence in some way then you are defined as someone who can get advertised on content I make and that gives me the rughts to add, edit or remove you from my site and content I make. If you are displayed in the level system, stats and tournaments or other sites a like then you are defined as a viewer.

Q: What happens if I violate any rules?

A: Actions will be taken against you on all my social medias in form of ban, block or mutes depending on the platforms available tools. You might also get quickly temp banned in periods where multiple people might harrass or attack my content and you will be unbanned again if your violations are too weak to define a permban or just a ban in general. Me and my mods get the final words so if you think a mod has gone rogue then send evidence to Skott on Discord so appropriate actions can be taken.